Guardian Fence

Cary Fencing Contractor, Fence Installation and Wood Fence

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Cary Fencing Contractor, Fence Installation and Wood Fence

(919) 636-8755

Deer Fences

Deer Fences

Deer are frequent visitors to the properties of many home- and business-owners in the area. These majestic creatures are impressive to behold, but any property owner will tell you of the damage they can inflict to lovingly-kept gardens and landscapes.

To protect and preserve your property, the fence specialists at Guardian Fence offer attractive, durable deer fences. Our deer fences are available in multiple materials and styles and are installed diligently and with precision.

With a deer fence surrounding your property, you can enjoy years of protection from property damage caused by well-intentioned but troublesome deer! To request a free quote, contact us today.

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Durable, Low-Maintenance Deer Fencing Services

As a leading full-service fence specialist, Guardian Fence has successfully installed many residential and commercial deer fences. We serve a large geographical area, operating within a 50-mile radius of the cities of Durham, Chapel Hill, and Raleigh. More and more clients are choosing to safeguard their property with deer fences, offering protection from landscape and garden damage.

There are a number of advantages to installing deer fencing on your property. You enjoy all the benefits of a conventional fence, including security, durability, and an attractive addition to any surroundings. You can choose to enclose as small or as large an area as you wish. The use of gates within the deer fence ensure that you won’t have to compromise access.

Our deer fences are constructed to last, built with the highest-quality materials and hardware. With a deer fence, you keep deer and other unwanted animals off your property, and benefit from low-maintenance and excellent durability.

Custom Fence Design Suited for Any Property

We construct our deer fences using exceptional materials to ensure years of dependable use. They are built with a metal framework and mesh, meaning you can safeguard your property without obstructing your view.

Because deer are adept at jumping, deer fences are built and installed at a considerable height––generally, 8 feet is the standard.

Deer fencing is not only a highly practical option, but an attractive addition to your property as well.

Prompt, Efficient Deer Fence Installation and Construction

Our fencing installation process is both patient and rapid. Our specialists are committed to working safely and neatly on each property and minimize disruptions to your property.

Using specialized tools and equipment, we ensure that your deer fence is properly and durably installed according to the highest standards. In no time, your newly-installed deer fence will be ready to provide years of reliable security and use!

Protect Your Landscape and Gardens with Deer Fencing

If deer populations have been known to make appearances on your residential or commercial property, don’t risk undoing hours of labor beautifying your landscaping or garden features.

Keep deer off and away from your property with a diligently installed deer fence. You will appreciate Guardian Fence’s unmatched industry expertise, excellent workmanship, and commitment to customer service.